Commercial Property Insurance
There is no fee for us to compare your commercial property insurance & not comparing may be costly.
Commercial property insurance can be complicated.
Here are three things you should understand about Commercial Property Insurance.
1. Specifics Are What Really Count
Never assume that every aspect of your property is covered. When consulting a Commercial Property Insuranceprofessional, you will be able to ask questions and they will look deeper into the fine print. An insurance professional will be able to confirm that there’s a mutual understanding of inclusions and exclusions, and what you need protected is specifically mentioned in the cover.
With a commercial property insurance policy, there will often be categories such as flood damage and sensitive conditions to look out for.
2. Not Shopping Around May Be Costly
Like most things you set out to purchase, a much better deal generally comes available momentarily after you’ve made the financial commitment. The principals of undertaking a bit of homework and comparison research still rigorously apply to Commercial Property Insurance. The only difference is that the consequences of ending up with an inferior policy or being underinsured affect your payout or livelihood substantially.
With a Commercial Property Insurance Broker on your side, you can be sure that you secure the most appropriate policy and your business is fully protected.
3. The Expense Of Not Having It
Insurance is all too often perceived as a classic catch 22. As a loyal customer, you can pay monthly or annual premiums to an insurer for decades without ever needing to make a claim.
On the other hand, the one occasion may arise when your business and wellbeing is entirely dependent on a compensation payout. After thorough analysis of your property’s value, contents and income calculations, you will likely deduce that you can’t afford to not have your signature on a Commercial Property policy.
Understanding precisely what your Commercial Property Insurance policy covers is absolutely vital. Disaster and misfortune don’t discriminate. Be wise and ensure your property is accurately and properly covered. Speak to a specialist broker at Newcastle Insurance Group for more information.
Commercial Property Insurance Claims
If and when it comes to the crunch and you need to make a claim, we’ll send the details of your claim to the insurer to get your claim resolved as quickly as possible.
If there are any complications with your claim, Newcastle Insurance Group will follow this up with the insurer and keep you updated with the progress of your claim.
Protect your business revenue
If a crisis were to hit your business, would you be ready to survive and overcome it? Many well-run small businesses simply don’t have the resources needed to continue trading, and at some point have to sell up, or close. Business interruption insurance – also known as business income insurance – is there to help you through the rocky patches, getting you back on your feet and trading as usual.
Contact Newcastle Insurance Brokers
Call 1300 62 80 80 or fill in the form below and we’ll have someone call you back.
Bundle Insurances & Save
We all love a bargain. Add your personal insurance needs on top of your business insurance needs and bundle to save.
Speak With a Broker
If it’s really important you can speak to a broker 24/7. Call the 1300 number below.
Make a Claim
Making a claim is easy just click the button below or call the 1300 number.